
This site is dedicated in memory of our 16 1/2 year old son who was killed in a
single auto accident. You can learn about the accident by clicking the accident
button on the right side. Please go through the pages and get to know Hayes. You'll
see what an awesome person he was and still is. Hayes lived life to the fullest.
He enjoyed everyday as if it were the last day. Hayes had such a kind heart and
beautiful smile. His smile captured the heart of us all. Hayes loved basketball,
baseball, knee boarding, skiing, jet skiing, his 4 wheeler and jeep.
Hayes attended Scottshill Elementary School his kindergarten year, Arlington Elementary
1st grade - 8th grade, Bolton High School 9th grade - Christmas his 11th grade year.
Hayes transferred to a private school (Fayette Academy) on Dec. 14, 2001. He played
basketball for Arlington Elementary (6th grade - 8th grade), baseball for Bolton High
3 years, football at Bolton High 1 year, and basketball at Fayette Academy. Please
visit Hayes' Legacy page to see what the town of Arlington and Bolton High School
has done to honor Hayes.
I'd like to thank God for my husband Scott coming into our lives. Scott lived his
life for Hayes and around Hayes. He coached Hayes for 9 yrs. of baseball, 7 yrs. of
basketball, and 2 yrs. of football. Scott made Hayes who and what he was. They were
each others best friends. You never seen one without the other. Hayes worked in the
summer for Scott and they had such a great bond. They'd go off by themselves and talk
for hours. Hayes always looked to Scott for advice and direction. Scott helped me raise
a wonderful son who had such a love and passion for his family and friends. Thank you
Scott for all that you have done and it was all from the heart. I love you and thank
God that you were a part of Hayes' life.

**In Loving Memory of Hayes Kent is owned by Beth Hall.
Do NOT copy, reproduce or take any part of this site
without the owners written permission.
©2002 ~ 2014. All rights reserved**

Things In Hayes' Honor
Bolton High Hayes Kent Basketball Tournaments
Bolton High Hayes Kent Baseball Tournaments
Bolton High Hayes Kent Scholarship

Brother & Sister
Mother's Heart
Father & Son
Meet Julia & Jack
Meet Hayes' Family

Photos and Memories
Photos & Memories Pg. 2
Photos & Memories Pg. 3

Hayes' 18th Birthday
Hayes' 19th Birthday
Hayes' 20th Birthday
Hayes' 21st Birthday
Hayes' 22nd Birthday
Hayes' 23rd Birthday
Hayes' 24th Birthday

Hayes' 1st year in heaven
Hayes' 2nd year in heaven
Hayes' 3rd year in heaven
Hayes' 3rd year in heaven ~ Pg. 2
Hayes' 4th year in heaven
4th Year ~Candlelight Vigil
Hayes' 5th Year in heaven
Hayes' 6th Year in heaven
Hayes' 7th Year in heaven

Christmas 2002
Christmas 2003
Christmas 2004
Christmas 2005
Christmas 2006
Christmas 2007
Christmas 2008

Tribute to My Daddy
Bolton High School Baseball
Meet Hayes' Friends
Graduation 2003
Memorial Links
Quilt by Diane
Easter 06
Thank You
Tribute to Brian Rebstock
Christmas Angel Tree 2003
