~Christmas Without You~
When Christmas comes around each year,
So many memories crowd my mind
Of other years, when you were small,
Of other years we’ve left behind.

For sixteen Christmases you were
So vital to our holiday plans,
Both you and also Bethany,
Ever since your lives began.

But now we’ve had to learn new ways
To celebrate—no, just to cope—
This once glad holiday each year
Which used to give us so much hope.

The joy that once was present, Hayes,
Vanished when you left this earth,
And we’re in tears when we should be
Celebrating Jesus’ birth.

But if I keep my focus on
The Christ Child in the manger bed,
I know He came to bring us hope,
He came to perish in our stead.

Because Christ died and lives again,
His Spirit lives within our hearts,
And brings the promise—oh, so glad!
That in heaven we’ll never part.

And that is what I think of now
When Christmas season comes each year—
Not of the tinsel, gifts, or lights,
But of the promise, now so dear,

That we will see you once again
When Jesus calls us home some day,
And we will be together, Hayes,
Together we will always stay.

Thank you, Father, for Christmas Day
And for the blessed hope it brings
Of eternal happiness above
When we’ve all gained our angel wings.
With love for Beth, Scott, Hayes, and Bethany
Christmas 2005
Saralyn McAfee Smith

Hayes & Mama


Hayes & Uncle Lackey

Hayes, Aunt Missy, & Aunt Lisa



Hayes, Bethany & Mama

Hayes & Bethany

Hayes & Bethany

Hayes, Bethany & Nate

Click here to see Hayes' gifts made by my wonderful online friends