You came to me as a gift from Above
You brought me happiness, friendship and love
For sixteen and a half perfect years I had you to hold
You were my life, my whole heart and soul
You taught me to love unconditionally
You showed me things I could never before see
You took my hand and I wasn't afraid
You opened my eyes to the beauty God made
You touched my heart as no one else could
You listened to me, and you understood
But now you have flown to your home in the Sky
You left with no warning; no time to say Bye
You received the most shocking, yet glorious of things
You were given God's gift: Your Angel Wings
He choose you because you're so special and dear
And He knew you needed to be there, not here
For what, I don't know, but He has a plan
And He needed you, to lend Him a hand
So I'll keep your memory alive on this Earth
And try to smile through the tears and the hurt
For as long as I live and until my works done
My candle will burn for you, My Precious Son
And the joyous day when we meet again
I'll take you in my arms, and there will be no end.

We all have peace of mind knowing that Hayes was saved on
May 22, 1999 at a youth mud volleyball game and baptized
on June 6,1999. We know that Hayes is our guardian angel
above, looking over us.

I'd like to thank Memphis Funeral Home Germantown Parkway
for the respect and condolences shown to us at the
time of our loss, and Memory Hill Gardens Germantown Parkway
for taking such good care of us and Hayes' burial.
I appreciate Rick & the guys at Memory Hill Gardens for
the care still given to our family.

The marker below is Hayes' first marker

Below is the new marker that was installed 7/13/07


**You are listening to the wav "To Where You Are" by "Josh Groban"**