The poem below was written in honor of my son Hayes,
by a special friend of mine, Shelli Sewell.

If I could part the clouds to Heaven,
I'd humbly walk right through
I'd kneel before God reverently and ask
"May I please speak to you?"
"I have a friend who's hurting and
I don't know what to do,
I've come to ask for your advice,
and a favor for you, too."
"I need to borrow Hayes from you
it shouldn't take too long,
I need him to come and tell his Mom
to hold on and be strong."
"I know that Heaven's brighter
since Hayes walked through your door,
and though your taking care of him,
his Momma needs him more."
Then God would say, "My child I know
it's hard to understand,
let's walk awhile while I explain
He'd take me by the hand.
He'd say "Go tell his Momma
to keep her mind on things above
and someday soon she'll see again
her son she dearly loves."
"Tell her I know her mind is tired
her heart is broken, too,
for if you've not forgotten,
I know just what she's going through."
"I had to watch my only son
be tortured on the cross,
and then to know his mother suffered too
her greatest loss."
"You tell her to remember
to talk to me each day,
for as much as you would like to help,
I am the only way."
"You tell her Hayes is happy, for
there is no sadness here,
and someday soon I'll give her peace
and dry up every tear.
"For now she'll have to make it
on memories alone,
but one day soon she'll be with him
my love will bring her home."
I'd thank God for his message,
that I could bring back down,
and then I'd wave goodbye to Hayes
and touch his shining crown.
He'd tell you not to suffer
that you'd never understand
but when you're in your hardest times
reach out and take his hand.
By, Shelli Sewell
The poem below was inspired after a friend of ours, Deb Cordes
attend the 7th year memorial for Hayes at the cemetery on 1/27/09

Together Again
I came to visit you today
Your loss was all around
From the coldness in the air
To the dampness in the ground
It seemed a somber moment
One I could not understand
Till a stranger looked right at me
And another held my hand
The reason we had gathered there
Was miserable but clear
Our lives were going on
But you're no longer here
I never met you , Hayes
But I feel I know you well
When I see your mother smile
In the stories your dad tells
Our life on earth is a moment
We can't deny that fact
But we will be together again
For a life that lasts and lasts
And so I understand why
Bethany still can smile
She's only without her brother
For a very short while
And so I know your tragic loss
Is not a thing of vain
For you remind us all
We will be together again
By, Deb Cordes
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine,
Saralyn Smith, in honor of Hayes' 12th Angelversary

Remembering Hayes on His 12th Anniversary
January 27, 2014
And now twelve years have flown away
Since last we saw your smile;
Though the world believes that we've moved on,
You're with us all the while.
You walk with us through every day;
Your memory's sharp and clear;
We know you help when things are rough--
Our prayers and dreams you hear.
Our Guardian Angel you've become,
A Guide to steer our way
Through obstacles and problems here
That face us every day.
No, we can't see your smile or face,
But we can feel your love,
Watching over each of us
From heaven up above.
We share a love eternal,
Our family of four,
For we'll always be together,
Both now and evermore.
Written with love for Beth, Scott, and Bethany,
Saralyn McAfee Smith
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine,
Saralyn Smith, in honor of Hayes' 11th Angelversary

Remembering Hayes After Eleven
Again the date
And my mind grows numb with
Refusing to believe you're
Accepting no
I only have to close my
To view your vanished
To hear the laughter in your
Once more, here in this
And I can see again the
You lived with all your
Exuberance in every
My shining son, my
But soon my eyes
And I search the house
Alas, nowhere but
Can your precious face be
So many years have circled
Since you were truly
But in my mind you never
My heart still holds you
It still leaps up when I hear
That make me think you're
A car door slams, some music
And time and I lose
I hope that you can hear
When I tell you of my
My endless love, my only
In heaven now,
Though some days now are
And even some bring
My heart still knows you're
My precious only
Saralyn McAfee
Written with Great Love for
Beth, Scott, and Bethany
January 27, 2013
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine,
Saralyn Smith, in honor of Hayes' 10th Angelversary

For Hayes on His 10th Anniversary
in Heaven
January 27,
How can it be ten years you're
When in our hearts you're always
When we can picture you, sweet
Your face and smile we hold so
How did the world keep spinning
And other children--how'd they
When you will always be
Tell us, Hayes, how will we
And yet in sorrow, life goes
For we cannot prevent its
Even though our hearts may
Often stuck in that sad
When words we never thought could
Pierced through our hearts and left
us torn,
Making all
our future years
Often feel bereft, forlorn.
At other times, it seems a
That once you lived and were a
Of all we held so very dear,
A dream still living in our
Though you are gone, your spirit
And thrives in heaven up
And all our lives are better,
Because you lived and shared your
We cannot see or hold you
But we can feel your presence
Your spirit shines within us,
We love you, Hayes, and always
Written with great love for
Beth, Scott, and Bethany
Saralyn McAfee
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine,
Saralyn Smith, in honor of Hayes' 9th Angelversary

This month the years
will total nine
Since last we saw you,
And though we seem to
be all right,
We're missing you each
We miss your smile,
which lit the room,
The minute you came
We miss your voice so
filled with joy,
We miss your special
We miss the sweetness
of your hug,
The freshness of your
The way you always
looked, my son;
And we wonder why you
But most of all, we
miss our boy,
The person you were,
And everything about
you, son--
Your love that always
And though we cannot
see you now,
Nor feel your loving
You're always in our
hearts, dear Hayes;
We love you--oh, so
Written with great
love for Beth, Scott, and Bethany
January 27,
Hayes' 9th Anniversary
in Heaven
by Saralyn McAfee

The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine,
Saralyn Smith, in honor of Hayes' 8th Angelversary

Remembering Hayes on His 8th
Can it really be eight years have
Can it really be that long?
We think about you every day,
Your face, your voice, your
I sense your fragrance in the
Hear music that you loved,
And yet I know you can't be
You've gone to heaven above.
But maybe God allows you, Hayes,
To visit us some times,
To keep alive your memory,
To let us know you're fine.
I know I hear you enter, Hayes,
Hear footsteps in the hall,
But when I rise and go to check,
You aren't there, after all.
And yet I know you're always
Deep within our hearts,
As long as we remember you,
We didn't really part.
Your spirit visits us, I know,
When we are fast asleep,
You check to see that we are
Leave kisses on our cheeks.
And when we wake, we have a
That you were with us, Hayes;
The only drawback to our dreams
Is that you couldn't stay.
But some day we will leave this
And rise to heaven above,
And we will be united, Hayes,
Forever in God's love.
Written with great love for Beth,
Scott, and Bethany by
Saralyn McAfee Smith
January 27, 2010
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 6th Angelversary

Six long years have come and
gone Since last we saw you, Hayes. Six long years without your
smile, Six years of tear-streaked days.
We see your friends
occasionally; They all seem to be fine, Moving on with school or
jobs, While we're just marking time.
We watch the other parents
glow With pride on special days, And see the gifts they give their
kids; They celebrate always.
But all that we can give you now Are
flowers for your grave; We have to wipe away our tears And try to seem so
When other parents tell of things Their children now have
done, We have to smile, congratulate, When we really want to
And scream out that it's just not fair That you were gone so
young So many things you didn't do, So many songs unsung.
And yet
we know you're special, Hayes, We know God thinks so, too, That's why He
took you Home with Him, So He could be with you.
You had finished all
the things that He Had set for you to do, And it only took those sixteen
years For your work to be all through.
And so, we're rightly proud of
you; And how we love you, Hayes! You'll forever be our shining
star, Our precious son always.
Written for Beth, Scott, and Bethany
with much love,
Saralyn McAfee Smith January 27, 2007
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 5th Angelversary

Hayes’ Fifth Anniversary in Heaven
Our lives were changed forever,
The day you left us here.
You took the sunshine with your smile;
You left us filled with tears.
Our days have been so different
There’s pain within each heart.
Each one of us still questions
"Why did we have to part?"
And yet each day we’ve plodded
Somehow we’ve found the power
To keep on going, step by
Throughout each earthly hour.
For five long years, your shining
Your brightly glowing wings,
Have been our beacons here
Inspiring many things.
For in your precious name, my
And for your memory,
Our lives are filled with purpose now,
hope that you can see
The tournaments and things we do
To honor you,
dear Hayes.
We want to keep your love alive
For all our earthly
So please be with us each day, son,
And warm us with your
We’ll join you there in heaven, Hayes,
In just a little
Written for Beth, Scott, and Bethany with love,
Saralyn McAfee
Hayes’ 5th Anniversary in Heaven,
January 27, 2007
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 4th Angelversary

"Home is where your heart is," That's what they always
say; But my heart is divided Since you went away.
For part of me
went with you To heaven high above And part is still down here With
others whom I love.
And I am truly homesick For my family to be
whole And all together once again -- That truly is my goal.
can't come back to earth, And so we'll come to you, But only God knows
when Our heavenly date is due.
So I'll keep on being homesick Each
day my whole life through, Until I get to heaven And I can be with
Written for Beth and Hayes with love On Hayes' Fourth
Anniversary in Heaven, January 27, 2006, by Saralyn McAfee Smith

The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 3rd Angelversary

Beth Speaking To Hayes on His Third Anniversary in Heaven
Three long years have come and
Since last we saw you, Hayes,
Three long years, so often
With sad and empty days.
Sometimes at night I lie
And think I hear a beat
Of music playing loud and clear,
down the street,
And then I’ll hear a car door
And my heart starts to jump—
I imagine footsteps on the stairs,
think I hear a thump!
I almost rise up from my
To run into your room
To see your smiling face once more
Instead of
all this gloom.
But always there is no one
No loving arms to touch,
No way to hear your voice cry out,
love you, Mom, so much.”
No way to hug you once more,
No way to see your smile--
Just empty days and endless
Without my precious child.
Sometimes I’ll hear a certain
And know it’s one you’d love.
I wonder if you know all this,
heaven up above.
Do you know how much I ache
see you just once more?
To see you climbing up the stairs
And walking
through your door?
I feel so lost without you,
But I know I must wait
To see your smiling face again
Till I
reach heaven’s gate.
I know that you are happy
And I must be content
With memories and photographs
Until my
life is spent.
For God has purposes for
And things to finish, too,
Before my life’s completed here
And I
can rejoin you.
And so I’ll try to smile for
And try to carry on,
But, oh! My life is not the same
Since you
have been gone.
Written with love for Beth and
January 27, 2005
Saralyn McAfee Smith
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 2nd Angelversary

Hayes’ Second Anniversary in Heaven
Two years have come and gone now---
Can that be really true?
It seems that it was yesterday,
The last time we saw you.
And yet sometimes it seems as if
It’s been forever more
The last time you called out our names
As you sauntered through the door.
Oh, Hayes, we really miss you
And the good times that we shared!
We wish you hadn’t gone away;
We wish your life were spared.
We know you live in heaven, and
We know you’re happy now,
And yet we wish you could come back…..
Some day, some time, some how……
If only for a moment,
So we could hold you tight
And tell you how we’ve missed you so
Since you left us that sad night.
We know your spirit’s with us,
But, of course, it’s not the same
As seeing you and touching you
And hear you say our names.
Be watching for us, Hayes, dear;
We’ll join you some fine day.
And then you’ll never leave again,
But be with us always.
Saralyn McAfee Smith
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes' 1st Angelversary

A year ago today, son, We didn't know
you'd leave. Our lives were changed forever; It's still hard to
Your passing left an emptiness That no one else can
fill. We think of you each moment, Our hearts are grieving
Sometimes it seems forever That you've been gone
away; Sometimes it seems we saw you Only yesterday.
Our thoughts
will always be with you, Our love will never end; Until God comes and
takes us home, Our hearts will never mend.
Poet: Ms. Saralyn
Smith ©2003
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes for Christmas 2004

A Christmas Tree This
Ever since you died, dear Hayes I could not bear to
see Christmas decorations, Especially a Christmas tree.
It just
hasn’t been the same Ever since you went away, I didn’t even want to think
of trees Especially on Christmas Day.
Sweet Bethany put up with
me And kept a tree in her room, She didn’t know how to coax me out Of
all my holiday gloom.
But this year she and your Daddy, too, Want a
special Christmas tree, Not one hidden away in just her room, But out for
all to see.
I was quite upset, I don’t know why, I guess it has to
do With how much I still am lost And grieving, without you.
then one night I had a dream Of you, my dear sweet son, And in the dream
you said to me You thought the time had come
For me to give up
solitary grief, And to wipe away all tears, And, yes, to put up a
Christmas tree Just like we did all those years.
For even in heaven
you can see What we do here on earth, And it makes you happy to see us
smile And welcome Jesus’ birth.
And so, dear Hayes, you’ll be glad to
know I helped with the Christmas tree, And it is shining with lights and
love, For all the world to see.
Written with love for Hayes' family by
Saralyn Smith
The poem below was writtien by a dear friend of mine in honor
of Hayes Christmas 2005

~Christmas Without You~
When Christmas comes around each year, So many
memories crowd my mind Of other years, when you were small, Of other years
we’ve left behind.
sixteen Christmases you were So vital to our holiday plans, Both you and
also Bethany, Ever since your lives began.
But now we’ve had to learn new ways To celebrate—no,
just to cope— This once glad holiday each year Which used to give us so
much hope.
The joy that
once was present, Hayes, Vanished when you left this earth, And we’re in
tears when we should be Celebrating Jesus’ birth.
But if I keep my focus on The Christ
Child in the manger bed, I know He came to bring us hope, He came to
perish in our stead.
Because Christ died and lives again, His Spirit lives within our
hearts, And brings the promise—oh, so glad! That in heaven we’ll never
And that is what I
think of now When Christmas season comes each year— Not of the tinsel,
gifts, or lights, But of the promise, now so dear,
That we will see you once again When
Jesus calls us home some day, And we will be together, Hayes, Together we
will always stay.
you, Father, for Christmas Day And for the blessed hope it brings Of
eternal happiness above When we’ve all gained our angel wings.
With love for Beth, Scott, Hayes, and
Christmas 2005
Saralyn McAfee
The poem below was writtien in honor
of Hayes Christmas 2006

~ Embraced Within God's Light ~
The shadows of our memories
Are beaming through
your light
We see you in the morning
We sweetly say good night
are always with us
In every waking day
We carry you in spirit
Our love
is here to stay
We see you Christmas morning
Throughout the "glory"
Sharing all your goodness
With smiles that persevere
year a celebration
That quickly comes and goes
But in our hearts
Our Christmas memories flow
We light the lights and trim the
While carefully we place
All your life's mementos
That fill our
life with grace
We turn around and see you
In hours of the past
smile and know you're with us
These treasures always last
Each one
will tell a story
That fills our life with glory
Of moments to
In every sweet December
We seek you out and find you
all familiar places
Sparkling with a special glow
That every heart
We whisper how we love you
We look up to the sky
that your with us
In every day's sweet sigh
You'll always be our
The time that shines so bright
We turn around and there you
Embraced within God's Light.
~ Francine Pucillo
Copyright November 28, 2007
written exclusively for Hayes
With Love