A year ago today, son,
We didn't know you'd leave.
Our lives were changed forever;
It's still hard to believe.

Your passing left an emptiness
That no one else can fill.
We think of you each moment,
Our hearts are grieving still.

Sometimes it seems forever
That you've been gone away;
Sometimes it seems we saw you
Only yesterday.

Our thoughts will always be with you,
Our love will never end;
Until God comes and takes us home,
Our hearts will never mend.

Poet: Ms. Saralyn Smith

Scott and Hayes doing The Rock pose

The "Rock" was Hayes' favorite wrestler.
Hayes had The Rock posters all over his
bedroom wall. A week before Hayes' death
we were on the internet and Hayes wanted to
order The Rock bobble head. The day before
Hayes' funeral it arrived and we put it
resting on the pillow in the casket with Hayes.

Thank You Saralyn

Thank You Norma

Thank You Kathy Irwin

Thank You Nancy

Thank You Twiggs

Thank You Elaine

Thank You Joyce

Thank You Susie

You are listening to:
So Hard to Say Goodbye
by~Boys II Men